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Rodgers Reidy

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Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Risk Watch Essentials - September 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for September 2021 including:
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Risk Watch Essentials August 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for August 2021 including: No
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Risk Watch Essentials - July 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for July 2021 including: No. o
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Risk Watch Essentials - June 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for June 2021 including: No. o
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Australian Insolvency - May 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for May 2021 including: No. of
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Lunch n Learn Webinar: The State of Australia's Rural Economy

The rural economy in Australia has been through somewhat of a transition in the past 18 months. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and changes to our export arrangements with other nations, includin
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Australian Insolvency - April 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for April 2021 including: No.
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Bankruptcy or Liquidation?

The terms bankruptcy and liquidation are often used erroneously. Put simply, bankruptcy relates to an individual and liquidation relates to a company. In Australia bankruptcy is a legal process for an individual (rather than a corporate entity) when they are unable to repay their debts. The Bankruptcy Act 1966 covers insolvency for individuals. Perhaps the reason that terms are used incorrectly arises from the USA where “bankruptcy” is commonly used for a company which is insolvent (the inability to pay its debts when they are due) and companies can file for bankruptcy.
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Australian Insolvency - March 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for March 2021
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Lunch n Learn Webinar - Binding Financial Agreements

Your client is getting married and you don’t know how to broach the idea of a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) or exactly what a BFA can achieve for your client. Think about how hard it might be for your client to raise it with their future spouse, and how you can help by understanding the process, risks and benefits.
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Directors' Personal Liability for Company Taxation Debts & Superannuation

With the Jobkeeper subsidy having now ended, it is a timely reminder for directors to understand the personal liability they can face for Company tax debts. In April 2020 the ATO added GST, Luxury Car Tax ("LCT") and Wine Equalisation Tax ("WET") to the list of taxation debts for which a director can be held personally liable. The ATO can also impose a 200% penalty on employers who do not lodge their Superannuation Guarantee Charge (“SGC”) statement on time. Given the draconian effects that these laws can have on the company and the directors’ personal financial position we set out below a short summary of the laws which should be required reading for all directors and their advisors.
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

What is the Fair Entitlement Guarantee scheme?

The Fair Entitlements Guarantee (“FEG”) is a scheme introduced by the Australian Government for employees who have lost their job due to their employer being either declared bankrupt or placed into liquidation. In circumstances where the insolvent employer is unable to meet outstanding entitlements owing (excluding superannuation), the FEG scheme will act as a safety net for these employees and will pay these entitlements in accordance with the Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012 (FEG Act).
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Lunch n Learn Webinar - Strained Relations

The current trade war with China and what it means for Australia As we leave the Year of the Water Rat for the Metal Oxen, we leave behind a year of anxiety and change for one of hard work and stability. To better understand what is happening, where it may end and maybe some tips on navigating the maze, we've put together a panel of experts on trading with China for our next Lunch n Learn session.
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Australian Insolvency - February 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for February 2021 including:
Rodgers Reidy
Author:Rodgers Reidy

Australian Insolvency - January 2021

The tables in the following link summarise data essentials captured from Rodgers Reidy's daily Risk Watch publication, which provides a synopsis of the insolvency market for January 2021 including: